University of Zielona Góra
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UZ Student Parliament

UZ Student Parliament is a resolution-adopting body of the student self-government. It is elected by popular vote of all students of the University of Zielona Góra for a two-year term. Its activities are based on the Law on Higher Education and Science (art. 110) and the Rules of Procedure of UZ Student Parliament.


Student Parliament’s representatives co-decide on the distribution of the financial suport funds for students and on the breakdown of grants for student circles and organizations active at the University. They create student cultural life, participate in the election of the authorities of the University, its faculties and institutes.  They are involved in the work of university bodies responsible for the programme and course of study. Under the law the President of the Parliament is a member of the University Council.


UZ Student Parliament organizes Bachanalia ( , an annual students’ festival and the Scientist Award Gala, during which the most active scientific student circles and student organizations are given awards. It also carries out a lot of interesting projects addressed to various academic communities. Once a month it issues invitations to students to watch a first night at the Lubuski Theatre in Zielona Góra. The ticket price for students is only 15 PLN (the remaining amount of the full fare is borne by UZ).


How can you not celebrate the beginning of 'Bachanalia'? .:. Photo: Kazimierz Adamczewski


It was a great match by the female UZ students. Even if injured, they gave their best. .:. Photo: Tomasz Gawałkiewicz ZAFF


During 'Bachanalia' there is always plenty of time for a barbecue party. .:. Photo: Tomasz Gawałkiewicz ZAFF


Bachanalia started with a parade along the main streets of Zielona Góra. .:. Photo: Tomasz Gawałkiewicz ZAFF


The Mayor, Janusz Kubicki, handed over the keys to the city to the students. In the background the Deputy Rector for Student Affairs prof. W. Strzyżewski. .:. Photo: Tomasz Gawałkiewicz ZAFF


Looks like a student of mathematics and a fan of the irrational number П. .:. Photo: Tomasz Gawałkiewicz ZAFF

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